"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering"

by Jeanette Peterson

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering"

Fear leads to suffering and love leads to the ultimate escape from suffering.

It is not only a Jedi concept referred to in Starwars and something understood by Yogi’s and monks alike, it is available to us all. Understanding this is about getting clear on which emotional platform you choose to base your life on.

Which one you choose determines your feelings, which are kind of like the car you drive around in life. If that car is parked in the garage of fear at night, life can be fuelled by anger, hate, frustration and judgement. If that car is parked in the garage of love at night, life can be fuelled by joy, curiosity, interest and excitement.

Just as you can choose your car, you too can choose where it gets parked, so to speak.

Have you chosen fear or love as the platform to live your life?